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Receive Effective Tax Advice in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
For dependable tax advice, turn to Brealey + Newbury Accountants. Based in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, our passionate accounts will help you to grow your business with seasoned advice regarding taxation. The assistance we provide will help you to formulate a well-informed business plan.
Expert Business Advice
As your business grows, the value of our knowledge and experience will become ever-more appreciable. Taxation planning is an integral part of running a successful business. With our assistance, we’ll ensure that your business is operating as tax-efficiently as possible. The advice we provide has saved clients thousands of pounds in tax.
The Insight You Need
Sometimes, it’s hard to see the bigger picture of your business when you’re closely involved with its day-to-day operation. Even the most competent entrepreneurs benefit from the specialised advice and objective point of view we’re able to provide. In addition, we offer payroll services to give you one less thing to think about when managing your business.

Exit Planning
Whether you’re planning to retire or simply want to maximise the return you receive when you sell your business, the importance of exit planning cannot be overstated. In fact, exit planning is often overlooked until it is too late, as many people fail to realise that their business is an asset that could be worth a substantial sum. Our expertise in this area will help you plan for the eventuality of selling your business.
A fundamental element of taxation planning is ensuring that the correct business structure is adopted. Businesses rarely stay the same, meaning the structure of an organisation may become tax in-efficient over time. Our specialist knowledge ensures that your business adapts to changing circumstances. For example, we’ll advise you when you should change from a partnership to a limited company, or de-register for VAT.
Inform Your Business Decisions
The complexity of the UK tax system has resulted in many specialist areas regarding both personal and corporate taxation. Our professional advice is invaluable, even for day-to-day business decisions such as whether to buy or lease an asset, and when to do so.